Anti Wite - Home of the Mouse
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Welcome to the Internet PORTAL OF DOOM!!!

Listing Site Updates

4/30/04 Muck Rat Appreciation Day

4/20/04 Hamster pic, quotes, Whatever day, schtuff

3/30/04 Odorous Sweat Day

3/23/04 Future post, Child Prodigy Day

3/11/04 Updated updates (silly me), Hick Day commemoration

3/10/04  Humanities play, this site's 100th hit.

3/5/04 Another Rant

3/3/04 Site logo, other stuff

3/2/04 Monster picture, other stuff

2/19/04 Kerry Picture, other stuff, started programming page (probably will replace with philosophy page)

2/17/04 Uploaded Romeo and Juliet ?'s, Humanities Kids Vocation survey, Monkey Poem (see below)

2/13/04 -  Fixed the screwy encoding on two of the heart-warming stories. Created Humanities page, Photo Archives, edited a bunch of other crap

2/12/04 - Uploaded first rant. Worked on building site.

2/11/04 - This site is created. Will probably uploading a rant soon. Stay tuned.

Opposed to wite out? Maybe not. But it does make a great scapegoat. For instance, consider the following conversation between two dudes: "Oh man, my girlfriend dumped me and I totally suck." "Yeah, it was all Wite Out's fault." "Totally man."

Today is...

April 30, 2004

It has been decreed that today and several subsequent days following are to be recognized as muck rat appreciation day. See the Uberpixie Chronicles in the 'Heart-Warming Stories' section for more info.

GET READY FOR THE FIRST OF MAY! The first of May is coming up soon and you know what that means! Download the song by Jonathan Coulton at the link below to find out if you don't. Enjoy!

First of May

Coming Soon...

Coming soon...

More boring-ass philosophy stuff

Humanities crap

More pointless pictures


people have come to this site and left miserable and depressed



Email a child prodigy

This site last updated 4/30/04